Welcome to The Monge Project.
Monge and his Descriptive Geometry have been my first and most important interest in the history of mathematics. I came to England in the distant 1991 just about as the war began in the former Yugoslavia, and wanted to start teaching descriptive geometry as it was my favourite subject at the University of Belgrade, before I left. But to do that, I thought I should update my english and so I should begin reading any books I could find on descriptive geometry. But, lo and behold, I couldn’t find any books on this subject how ever hard I tried! That’s how my journey began, and I realised that this subject for some reason did not exist in England. The result of this search became my PhD thesis, which I did at the Open University in Milton Keynes, under the supervision of Jeremy Gray.
In a strange way, the search about a French technique and a French mathematician, ended up with me being at home in England. Since then I became British, a mathematics teacher, and an academic – a historian of mathematics.
You can see my books here, and most of my papers on my research gate page.
You can email me at snezana (at) mathsisgoodforyou.com and follow me on Twitter for the updates related to this site, any new publications, and my other site, Maths is Good for You. Enjoy!